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Key Techniques to Effective Business Communication

Steve Jobs is a co-founder of Apple Computer Inc. and is considered to be one of the best speakers in corporate America. His style is not glued to just conveying information but he delivers his message by inspiring other people. In today's digital age where competition is really widespread and rampant, even if a big company like Apple would it hard to sell the products and services if they fail to convey the value proposition that they are promising to every customer. Good thing, Apple had one outstanding speaker that is very good at business communication, Steve Jobs.

Jobs' style of effective communication is patterned into seven interdependent steps. And these steps are as follows:

1. Set the theme

- making your theme clear and efficient

- create a headline that sets the direction for your meeting/conversation

2. Provide the outline

3. Open and close each section with a clear transition

- make it easy for your listeners to follow your story

4. Demonstrate enthusiasm

- Wow your audience

5. Sell an experience

- make numbers and statistics meaningful

- analogies help connect the dots for your audience

6. Make it visual

- paint a simple picture that doesn't overwhelm

- identify your memorable moment and build up to it

7. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse

- spend the time to rehearse

- give your audience an added bonus to walk away with

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